A Message from the 2021-2022 LCIF Chairperson
Dear Friends,
The world needs hope. And Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is answering the call to bring hope to a world in need.
I made my first donation to LCIF in 1988, and I continue to proudly support the foundation. It gives me great pride to know that my support has helped make so much Lions’ service possible and makes a difference in this world.
It has been my honor to serve as chairperson of LCIF this year. I enjoyed hearing from many of you about the things you have accomplished this year because of LCIF. I am extremely proud of all the things we achieved together.
The stories of your service, empowered by grant funding from LCIF, are inspiring. Although the beneficiaries of your service may never know of your kindness, the world is a better place because of you.
Read the full message from the chairperson.

Grants awarded by constitutional area (CA)
LCIF awarded 1,250 grants, totaling more than US$35.3 million.*

United States of America & its Affiliates, Bermuda, The Bahamas


South America, Central America, Mexico, Islands of the Caribbean SeaUS$2,089,228


East Asia, Southeast AsiaUS$8,696,917

India, South Asia, Middle EastUS$5,722,368

Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Islands of the South Pacific OceanUS$977,784

*Non-affiliated US$2,482,326.

Celebrating Campaign 100
Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service officially ended on June 30, 2022, during the 104th Lions International Convention in Montréal. Because of supporters—like you—LCIF raised more than US$325 million. This was the largest fundraising campaign in our foundation’s history. Throughout the years of service to this campaign, Lions’ leadership and example helped ensure that LCIF can continue to empower those serving to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities and protect the most vulnerable in the years and decades to come.
A special thank you
Thank you to Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada and J. Frank Moore III for their leadership and support that helped make the campaign a success. The example they set is an inspiration to all Lions.
Explore the impact of Campaign 100 further by reading the fiscal year 2021-2022 annual report.
The world needs hope more than ever. With global crises from conflicts to climate emergencies, the world needs kindness and action. LCIF and Lions are answering the call with every grant and program, helping a world in need, and amplifying hope one person at a time.
Behind every LCIF grant, there’s a story filled with inspiration, impact and kindness. Read stories your donations helped make possible.

Partners, affiliates and technical partners
LCIF’s partnerships, affiliations and technical partnerships provide opportunities to share critical knowledge, inspiration and financial support and resources to advance large and promising projects, and to accelerate meaningful change globally.
Our partners
Organizations that provided LCIF with funding.

Our affiliates
Executing partners that utilized funds provided by LCIF.

Our technical partners
Organizations with which LCIF convened to ensure sustainable, impactful projects.

Global partnerships lead to greater impact
A recognized global corporate social responsibility (CSR) leader in humanitarian and community service, Lions International is a vetted, resolute and dynamic organization with the means to enable corporations, foundations and governments to create considerable change with precision.