List of Recognitions
Select each recognition category to be taken to the section to learn more.
Melvin Jones and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows
Presidential LCIF Supporter
Lions Legacy Society
Lead and Major Gift Recognition
Memorial Donations
In Honor Donations
Club Awards
District Awards
Corporate Plaque
Humanitarian Partners
Many countries may charge customs and VAT charges for the importation of Melvin Jones Fellowship plaques or other recognitions. These fees are the responsibility of the individual or club locally receiving the plaque.
Melvin Jones and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows
The Melvin Jones Fellows (MJF) and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows (PMJF) are the backbone of our foundation. MJFs and PMJFs recognize those who donate US$1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others – or even a combination of both, the MJF recognizes a tremendous contribution to humanity and to the legacy of our founder, Melvin Jones. Contributions for the MJF can be made by individuals (including non-Lions), clubs, or districts. Donations may be in one sum or in installments. Initial Melvin Jones Fellows receive a special lapel pin, a plaque, and a congratulatory letter.
The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows (PMJF) is a way for donors to extend their commitment to LCIF and advance in the fellowship program by donating beyond the initial US$1,000 MJF. The PMJF is for gifts totaling between US$2,000 and US$100,000. After contributing US$100,000, donors become Humanitarian Partners.
Presidential LCIF Supporter
At LCIF, we deeply value the incredible generosity of our individual donors. To honor your commitment and support, we are thrilled to introduce the Presidential LCIF Supporter program. This initiative aims to recognize and celebrate individuals who have contributed with heart and soul, making a significant impact on our mission.
By participating in the annual program, you become an integral part of our honored supporters. Your generosity not only earns you well-deserved recognition but also helps us make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.
Lions Legacy Society
LCIF is pleased to share its gratitude with, and offer membership in Lions Legacy Society to, those committing future gifts. Recognition and benefits include listing in the foundation’s Annual Report and on its website, as well as the following benefits at the corresponding level and all preceding levels.
Blue Diamond Level 1: US$10,000-US$49,999
Customized framed Lions Legacy Society certificate
Blue Diamond Level 2: US$50,000-US$99,999
Special recognition at forums; invitation to private donor reception at in-person Lions International Convention
Blue Diamond Level 3: US$100,000-US$499,999
All the above level recognitions plus customized Lions Legacy Society plaque
Blue Diamond Level 4: US$500,000-US$999,999
All the above level recognitions plus special seating at in-person Lions International Convention; personal phone call from Lions leadership; name listing in Lions headquarters’ donor room
Blue Diamond Level 5: US$1,000,000+
All the above level recognitions plus invitations to special Lions International events; Lions Legacy Society memento presented on stage at in-person Lions International Convention
LCIF is also pleased to share a Lions Legacy Society pin with those committing at least US$1,000 to LCIF in their estate plans.
Lead and Major Gift Recognition
- Mid-tier giving US$5,000 – custom pin
- Mid-tier giving US$10,000-US$15,000 – custom pin and plaque
- Major giving US$25,000- US$49,999 – custom pin and plaque; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, digital recognitions, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Progressive Major giving US$50,000- US$99,999 – custom pin and plaque; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, digital recognitions, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Lead giving US$100,000-US$199,999 – custom pin and plaque, feature in marketing materials, and newsletters; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Progressive Lead giving US$200,000-US$499,999 – custom pin and plaque or impact feature in marketing materials and newsletters; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Visionary Lead giving US$500,000-US$749,999 – custom pin and plaque; feature in marketing materials and newsletters; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Progressive Visionary Lead giving US$750,000-US$999,999 – custom pin and plaque; feature in marketing materials and newsletters; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
- Million Dollar+ giving – custom pin and plaque; video story on LCIF website and on-stage feature at Lions International Convention; feature in marketing materials and newsletters; inclusion in LCIF Annual Report, website listing, social media, special recognition/invitation to International Convention, and in-person events
Club Awards
Presidential Club Giving Award for LCIF
At LCIF, we value the incredible generosity of our members. As a token of our appreciation, we are thrilled to introduce the Presidential Club Giving Award for LCIF program. This initiative aims to recognize clubs that have demonstrated outstanding commitment and support by contributing to our cause on a per-member basis throughout the fiscal year.
By participating in this recognition program, your club has the opportunity to join a prestigious circle of dedicated supporters. Your contributions make a significant impact on our mission, enabling us to serve our community and beyond.
Club Plaque
The club plaque recognizes Lions clubs that donate US$1,000 or more to LCIF. If requested, the club can receive a banner patch and chevron instead of the plaque. Club plaque requests require a general donation (non-MJF eligible).
Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) Banner Patch
Clubs receive an MJF banner patch and chevron the first time a member is honored with a Melvin Jones Fellowship. Annual chevrons are provided once per year even if multiple honors after the initial banner patch and chevron.
100 Percent Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) Banner
Clubs receive a 100 Percent MJF banner when all current club members are Melvin Jones Fellows. Once achieved, the LCIF Chairperson will award the club with a Certificate of Distinction at the international convention.
100 Percent Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (PMJF) Banner
Clubs receive a PMJF banner when all current members reach the first level of the PMJF program. Once achieved, the LCIF Chairperson will award the club with a Certificate of Distinction at the international convention.
100 Percent Member Support Banner Patch
Clubs receive a 100 Percent Member Support Banner Patch when all current club members collectively donate a minimum of US$50 in a single fiscal year. Upon meeting this requirement, the patch is automatically mailed to the club.
Please contact LCIF Donor Services at for any inquiries on club awards.
District Awards
LCIF Presidential Award for Goal Achievement
At LCIF, we take pride in acknowledging the exceptional dedication and commitment of our district governors, district coordinators, council chairpersons, multiple district coordinators and area leaders. The LCIF Presidential Award medal is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon those who achieve the LCIF goal set by the foundation within a fiscal year.
The LCIF Presidential Award medal celebrates leaders who have made an extraordinary impact on our mission and the communities we serve. Their dedication and achievements inspire others to follow in their footsteps and make a difference.
Chairperson Medal
District Governors and LCIF Coordinators from districts that contribute at least US$30,000 to LCIF and increase donations to the foundation by at least 10 percent when compared to the previous year, may qualify for a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond Chairperson Medal. District governors and coordinators whose district donates US$100,000 or more will automatically receive the medal. Multiple district coordinators and council chairpersons will qualify for the award if 50% or more of the districts within their multiple qualify for the award.
100% Club Support Certificate of Appreciation
Districts in which every club donates to LCIF in a fiscal year receive a certificate of appreciation. The District Governor and LCIF District Coordinator also receive a 100 Percent Club Support Certificate of Appreciation. Email to learn more.
Top Ten Certificates
The 10 districts worldwide that donate the most to LCIF in a fiscal year receive a Top Ten Certificate. The LCIF District Coordinator also receives a certificate. Email to learn more.
Corporate Plaque
Corporations that donate US$1,000 or more to LCIF receive a corporate plaque. Email to learn more or to request your plaque. Corporate plaques require a general donation (non-MJF eligible).
Humanitarian Partners
Humanitarian Partners are individuals whose cumulative donations to LCIF exceed US$100,000, or who have received a commensurate amount of MJF credit. Lions Clubs International Foundation would like to extend its sincere thanks to this special group of dedicated donors. Elegant pins in unique designs with stones mark gifts at various gift increments. Bronze, silver, gold, and white gold series for donations in US$20,000 increments and the platinum series for donations in increments of US$100,000 and above. Email to request your pin.
- Bronze
Diamond US$100,000.00 to US$119,999.99
- Kazutomi Akiba
- Pravin Chajed
- Douglas Chan
- Li-Feng Chen
- Yi Teng Chen
- Hao Chiang
- Wen-Pin Chiu
- Tung Chin Chiueh
- Nam-Kil Cho
- Srawan Kumar Chowdhury
- Kwan Hyun Chung
- Youn-Tong Chung
- Marie Cunning
- Paul Albert Eckelman
- Raymond Fallen
- Huei-Tzu Fan
- Richard Felicelda
- Chen-Fen Feng
- Kazuhiro Fujii
- Masanori Fukui
- Jeffrey Gans
- Philippe Gerondal
- Warren Greene
- Gang-Su Ha
- Mitsuyoshi Hashimoto
- Shosaku Hashimoto
- Saburo Hata
- Shigehito Hayashi
- Denny Hsu
- Fu-Ta Hsu
- Myung-Yun Huh
- Hin Hung
- Larry Johnson
- Kamal Joshi
- Moon-Soo Jun
- Sung-Gil Jung
- Carlos Justiniano
- Usha Kanithi
- Carole Kearse
- Jong-Han Kim
- Myung-Shin Kim
- Sung-Jeon Kim
- Tae-Young Kim
- Hideki Kitahata
- Akiko Kitamura
- Don Kramer
- Jayashree Kumar
- Chiung-Wen Kuo
- Kuang Lai
- Hamed O B Lawal
- Sang-Do Lee
- Joo-Sub Lee
- Peter Lee
- Simon K Y Lee
- Tom Lehman
- Lionel Li
- Chin-Sheng Liang
- Hsiu-Nan Liao
- Robert Libin
- Choong-Lai Lim
- Tang-Lai Lin
- Hung-Chi Lo
- Ka Lo
- Tsai-Fang Lo
- Malcolm Macleod
- Shyam Malpani
- Jakob Martens
- Kazuko Matsui
- Rohit Mehta
- Marion Mort
- Kenji Nagata
- Nobuo Nishiki
- Kwang-Yul Oh
- Noriyasu Ohtaka
- Makoto Oishi
- Yasuo Okuma
- Laitan Onolaja
- Kyoko Osawa
- Charles Park
- Chi Park
- Hee-Chae Park
- Ki-Bong Park
- Lewis Quinn
- M V Raghunathan
- Murusupally Rao
- V Venkata Krishna Reddy
- Fred Rieger
- Lorri Rieger
- Rika Risui
- Henry Robinett
- Sanjay Sahu
- Sid L Scruggs III
- Michael So
- Augustin Soliva
- Eugene Spiess
- Philip Stern
- Larry Stewart
- Yin-Mei Su
- Robert Sy
- Jung-Chi Tai
- Kishore Verma
- Chi-Tsan Wang
- Chung Wong
- Edward Wong
- Kee-Jung Woo
- Chris Wooters
- Yen-Yao Wu
- Hong Xu
- Shiro Yabe
- Hao Wen Yang
- Hui Yang
- Joo-Hwan Yang
- Moh Chai Yeoh
- Guo-Jun Zhang
Ruby US$120,000.00 to US$139,999.99
- Shoichi Anzawa
- Tebebe Yemane Berhan
- Shih Ling Chou
- Kyu-Bong Han
- Ichiro Harita
- Wen Lung Hsiao
- Yu-Pi Hsu
- Michael Jan
- Hong-Soon Jun
- No-Jin Jung
- Cheng-Lung Lai
- Ming-Yen Lai
- Ching-Li Lee
- Gye-Oh Lee
- Tsai-Chiu Lee
- Young-Ja Lee
- Yuchin Lin
- Hideyuki Muraki
- Masaaki Nakajima
- Chin-Shih Ou
- Yoshio Satoh
- Manoj Shah
- Shigeharu Shibuta
- Katsuki Shirosaka
- Kazuyoshi Soga
- Chen-Fu Sun
- Wah-Ching Tam
- Yorio Tsuzuki
- Jui-Yang Tung
- Elmer Wang
- Kuen-Yi Wang
- Wen-Chuan Wang
- Xing Ping Xiao
- Chien-Chang Yu
- Ju-Ming Zheng
Blue Sapphire US$140,000.00 to US$159,999.99
- Anil Agrawal
- Douglas Alexander
- Vuthi Boonnikornvoravith
- Yu-Chuan Chang
- Feng-Chi Chen
- Tzu-Ting Chou
- Mukesh Shankerlal Chowdhary
- Bob Corlew
- Paul Chor Ho Fan
- Ryu Fushimi
- M. A. Hassan
- Chun-Huang Hsu
- Chuan-Kuei Hung
- Byeong-Deok Kim
- John Knepper
- Kuei-Hsiang Kuo Li
- Chuen Chi Lee
- Yi-Cheng Liao
- Hsin-Chih Lin
- Tien Sheng Lin
- Norikata Mita
- Sakiko Odaka
- Ming-Chin Tang
- Chin-Lien Tsai
- Jin-Rong Wang
- Fu-Yu Yang
- Shun-Fa Yang
Amethyst US$160,000.00 to US$179,999.99
- Chia-Tien Chen
- Mei-Yu Chen
- Pi-Che Chen
- Jung-Chia Carl Chou
- Eng Hoe Goh
- Myung-Soo Ha
- Hsin-Han Hsu
- Jeff Chang Wei Huang
- Mei-Li Huang
- Yasuo Iga
- Kwang-Soo Jang
- Ea-Up Kim
- Min Hsiung Lai
- Kang-In Lee
- Shu-Chuan Lin
- Somsakdi Lovisuth
- Vijay Kumar Raju
- Yukiharu Sako
- Calvin Smith
- Toshio Takai
- Wangxing Tian
- Hui-Yi Wu
- Tomoaki Yamanita
Emerald US$180,000.00 to US$199,999.99
- Isamu Arino
- Jui-Tai Chang
- Nai-Cheng Chi
- Ming-Chien Chiu
- Kyu-Dong Choi
- Pai-Hsiang Fang
- Ming-Tsung Huang
- Kuo-Jung Lin
- Vishnubhai Patel
- G Ramaswamy
- Fu-Lai Tsai
- Yao-Tsung Yang
- Silver
Diamond US$200,000.00 to US$219,999.99
- Charlie Chan
- Cheng Jung Chang
- Sung-Gyun Choi
- Je-Gil Goo
- Jong-Seok Kim
- Edward Lim Lin
- Ryozo Nishina
- Paulo Pennacchi
- David Roberts
- Georges Wissa
- Seiki Yamaura
- Shun-Ying Yeh
- Chizuko Yoshimura
Ruby US$220,000.00 to US$239,999.99
- Bob Brown
- Ling-Hsun Chao
- Shui-Chuan Chao
- Daniel Elkins
- Yasumasa Furo
- James Melvin
- J Frank Moore III
- Yoshinori Nishikawa
- Koji Tsurushima
- Haruo Yamada
- Yi Lin Yang
- Gudrun Yngvadottir
Blue Sapphire US$240,000.00 to US$259,999.99
- Eagle Chao
- Shunji Enomoto
- Kajit Habanananda
- Shunichi Hayashida
- Liao-Chuan Huang
- Hem Kanithi
- Suketaro Kato
- Kentaro Kitano
- Tae-Sup Lee
- Chin-Hsiang Mao
- Shu-Lien Wei
- Susumu Yano
Amethyst US$260,000.00 to US$279,999.99
- Doo-Hoon Ahn
- I-Lang Cho
Emerald US$280,000.00 to US$299,999.99
- Mei-Chiao Chiu
- Gold
Diamond US$300,000.00 to US$319,999.99
- Jean-Jean Lai Fong
- Alice Chitning Lau
- Isao Matsuoka
- Akira Okamoto
- Wing-Kun Tam
Ruby US$320,000.00 to US$339,999.99
- Naresh Aggarwal
- Po-Kuang Chang
- Masayuki Kawashima
- Chul Woo Yang
Blue Sapphire US$340,000.00 to US$359,999.99
- Harumasa Mihara
- Shingo Onodera
- Hung-Lin Tseng
- Shih I Yu
Amethyst US$360,000.00 to US$379,999.99
- V P Nandakumar
- Paul Settelmeyer
Emerald US$380,000.00 to US$399,999.99
- Alexis Gomès
- Ryuzo Tanaka
- White Gold
Ruby US$420,000.00 to US$439,999.99
- Yi-Tu Cheng
- Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
Blue Sapphire US$440,000.00 to US$459,999.99
- Yoshio Mizobuchi
Amethyst US$460,000.00 to US$479,999.99
- Shinji Kayamori
Emerald US$480,000.00 to US$499,999.99
- Takahiro Sakurai
- Platinum
Diamond US$500,000.00 to US$599,999.99
- Liang-Chin Chiu
- Shu-Chin Liao Huang
- In-Kyo Oh
- Dwight Stanford
- Chikao Suzuki
- Wreath
Ruby US$600,000.00 to US$699,999.99
- Dr. Jung-Yul Choi
- Hsiu-Jung Huang
- Cheng-Chin Li
Blue Sapphire US$700,000.00 to US$799,999.99
- Ting-Yu Ssu
- Silver Sunburst
Diamond US$1,000,000.00 to US$1,199,999.99
- Wkang-Hsiang Wang
Amethyst US$1,600,000.00 to US$1,799,999.99
- Ta-Lung Chiang
- Magnet Lin
- All Yellow Gold Sunburst
Emerald US$7,000,000.00 to US$7,999,999.99
- Aruna Abhey Oswal
Other Awards
The foundation recognizes Lions who promote greater awareness of and support for LCIF. The LCIF Friend of Humanity Award recognizes a small number of exceptional Lions who have supported LCIF at the highest level. The LCIF chairperson determines the recipients, who are awarded a medal. Contact us about the Lion you wish to nominate.
The LCIF Helping Hands Award recognizes Lions who promote greater awareness of and support for LCIF at the club, region, district or multiple district level or through a variety of ways, including grant projects, fundraising and marketing activities. To apply, complete the nomination form.

Giving Empowers Service
Your decision to donate to LCIF is a decision to help a community in need. We thank you—and so does the world.