Specialty Clubs Program
Specialty clubs give Lions with common interests a great way to connect and serve what they’re most passionate about. Clubs around the world can be formed around a hobby, profession, culture, cause, or anything else that brings a group together. There’s no limit to what your specialty club can be.

Answering a special call to serve
Start a new specialty club
Specialty clubs are one of the fastest-growing ways in which Lions serve their communities. And joining or starting a specialty club allows you to turn your passion for service into successful community projects bringing together like-minded Lions under a common interest — all while strengthening our organization of 1.4 million members, and expanding our spirit of volunteerism. Check out the resources below to find out how to start a new specialty club of your own.
Start a New Club webpage — Learn the process of creating a new club, including a step-by-step approach to new club development, sponsoring a new club and more. Specialty clubs follow the same chartering process as other Lions clubs, but they allow you to identify a special category for your club.
Specialty Clubs Program PowerPoint — Find out how you can promote the Specialty Clubs Program and build specialty clubs in your area.
Specialty Club Model Mapping Worksheet — Complete a club needs assessment to map out the needs and resources required for your specialty club.
Join Together webpage — Learn about the Join Together program and see the benefits and opportunities of starting a Join Together specialty club.
Workshops — Complete the Specialty Clubs Program workshop form to organize a workshop. Hosting a Specialty Clubs Workshop is a great way to help your district charter new clubs and support membership goals. Workshops feature resources from Lions International to help you be a successful specialty clubs facilitator, and they can be conducted in every constitutional area.
Please note that requests must be made at least six weeks prior to the start of the workshop, and require the approval of the council chairperson or district governor.
See how specialty clubs are serving
Lions specialty clubs: Overview
Lions specialty clubs: Cause
Lions specialty clubs: Retiree
Lions specialty clubs: Culture
Lions specialty clubs: Sports
Sutton Racing Lions Club
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers you need to some frequent specialty club questions.
- What are the requirements for starting a specialty club?
Specialty clubs are chartered in the same way as traditional Lions clubs. All new club approvals and policy-based organizational requirements must be met. During the application process, a club can choose a specialty category if they want to be identified as a specialty club.
- What types of specialties can a specialty club have?
A specialty club can focus its specialty on any common interest shared by club members. Some specialty examples include, but are not limited to:
- Cause-specific:
- Childhood cancer
- Diabetes
- Disaster relief
- Environment
- Humanitarian
- Hunger
- Vision
- Youth
- Cultural
- Life stage/experience such as:
- Academic focus
- Profession
- Retiree
- Partnerships with organizations such as Special Olympics (Lions Champions Clubs)
- Sports or hobbies
- Cause-specific:
- How do I select or change my club’s specialty?
You can select your club’s specialty when completing and submitting a new club application. If you want to change or remove your club’s specialty, your club officers may do so online in MyLCI.
- What costs are associated with starting and being a member of a specialty club?
This guide will help you figure out your charter and membership costs. Note that Lions International also provides liability insurance coverage to all Lions clubs, including specialty clubs.
- Can a club branch become a specialty club?
Yes, you can convert your club branch to a self-standing specialty club. There are three things to consider: (1) where the club will be located, (2) the unique characteristics of the members and (3) what the special service focus of the club will be.
Awards and recognitions
Membership Awards — Learn more about Extension Awards given to Lions in recognition of their work to support membership growth.
Club Excellence Award — See how clubs can be recognized for excelling in the areas of membership, service, leadership and organizational excellence, and marketing.
Contact us
If you have questions about the Specialty Clubs Program or need additional information or resources, contact us at specialtyclubs@lionsclubs.org.