Rebuilding and Reactivating Clubs
Club Rebuilding is an important process but with these resources, your club is sure to be a success!
Club Rebuilding
Use the following steps to assist struggling clubs:
Step 1:
Review the Club Health Assessment for, club status (status quo and cancelled clubs), membership loss, and account balance over 90 days. Clubs should make sure the roster is up to date and drop members who have left the club so they do not incur additional expenses.
Step 2:
Determine strategy
- If the club is small but in good standing, consider Club Rebuilding. Enlist the support of a Guiding Lion or encourage the zone chairperson to mentor the club in recruiting new members, training officers and providing meaningful community service. For clubs needing assistance, please fill out the Club Rebuilding Application and obtain the appropriate signatures.
- If the club is in status quo, the district should work with the club to bring them to good standing. See the Club Health Assessment for the reason the club was placed on status quo. When ready fill out the Club Reactivation Form. For clubs in status quo for Financial Suspension to be returned to Good Standing, their outstanding balance must be paid. This can be found on the statement page in MyLCI or by contacting the A/R & Club Account Services Department at
- If the club has been cancelled:
- Disbanded: Districts have 12 months from the date of cancellation to reactive the club. A minimum of 10 members is required and any outstanding balance with LCI must be paid. See the Club Reactivation Form for more information.
- Financial Suspension: For clubs to be returned to Good Standing, their outstanding balance must be paid. This can be found on the statement page in MyLCI or by contacting the A/R & Club Account Services Department at If reactivated, the club must pay the balance in full along with approval form the district governor. See the Financial Suspension Reactivation Form for this purpose.
Step 3:
Encourage the zone chairperson and if needed assign a Guiding Lion to assist the club. Guiding Lion Assignment Form. Visit the Guiding Lion webpage for more information.
View the below resources to help a club become successful.
Club Membership Chairperson
Visit the Club Membership Chairperson webpage to find additional resources to support membership growth in clubs.
Building Club Leadership
Club Officer e-Books and Webpages
From planning their term, to resources that support effective club operations the Club Officer e-Books and webpages contain the most critical information, tools and resources that you will need to fulfill their positions as club officer.
Visit the Lions Learning Center under Learn of the Member Portal. Under “course catalog” there are four courses available for club officer training.
Club Officer Training
Club President Responsibilities
Club Secretary Responsibilities
Club Treasurer Responsibilities

Club Excellence Awards
Will your club close the year with a net growth in membership, and participate in at least three service projects? Are you promoting your club’s events and activities to the community? If you answered yes, your club may be eligible for the Club Excellence Award.
The Club Excellence Award is more than an award... it is proof that your club is STRONG!

Certified Guiding Lion Award
As part of the Club Rebuilding Program a Guiding Lion is assigned to the club who acts as a mentor. The Guiding Lion assist the areas they may need help in.
Upon the completion of the two-year term, Guiding Lions may qualify for the Guiding Lion Award. Requirements for the Guiding Lion to qualify for the award are listed below broken out by the club and the Guiding Lion:
- Is in good standing with Lions Clubs International.
- Had a net membership growth and a minimum of 20 members at the close of the Guiding Lion’s two-year term.
- Reported new service and fundraising projects and was encouraged to donate to LCIF.
- Participated in district activities (including zone meetings).
- Club officers confirm the Guiding Lion supported the club’s development (sign the final report form).
Guiding Lion:
- Submitted Quarterly Reports to Lions Clubs International and the district governor for two years.
- Completed the Certified Guiding Lion Course prior to the end of their two year assignment.
- Attended a majority of the club’s general and board meetings.
- Submitted their Final Report to Lions Clubs International and their district governor.
For further information or to inquire about the Club Rebuilding and Club Reactivation please contact us at or phone (630) 468-7084.