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Home Resource Center Past District Governors

Past district governors

Past district governors, this webpage is designed for you! You have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to help your club, district and the association move forward. This page will keep you informed so you can stay involved and further develop your leadership skills!


Effective July 1, 2022, a resolution has been passed during the International Convention to amend the qualification of district governor and vice district governors. Lions who previously served as a district governor will not be eligible to be elected as district governor or vice district governor. To learn more, please contact us at

Effective September 14, 2022, MyLCI access for past district governors has been updated to allow for read-only access, which allows you to view:

  • Multiple district officers and chairpersons
  • Lion club statements/dues
  • Lion club reports
  • Lion club officers
  • Lion club member information
  • Lion club meeting information
  • Lion club level new club applications
  • District reports
  • District regions and zones
  • District officers and chairpersons
  • District members
  • District level new club applications
  • District convention
  • District clubs

Your access also allows you to now see the Membership Reports section, Support section and an index of reports located under register reports.


Succession Planning Webinar (English only)

Stay informed

As a leader, you need to keep up to date. The links below provide access to latest news and information!

Stay involved

Stay involved and share your knowledge by becoming a mentor!

Polish your skills and encourage the development of others!

Developing leaders and enhancing member satisfaction and growth is key to the overall success of Lions International. A variety of training and development opportunities are offered to help achieve this objective.