Currently over 170,000+
Goal: 200,000 reported Leos
Leo club president
The president is a Leo elected by fellow club members to manage club and board meetings. Club presidents set goals for their clubs and motivate their members to participate in projects. They also advise other club officers on their responsibilities and facilitate decision-making processes.
Working with the club secretary, the club president is responsible for the important task of reporting club members. This helps maintain accurate club records, provides valuable information to district and multiple district leaders, and provides many benefits to club members. More information can be found in the resources section on this page.
A Leo club president should set club goals at the beginning of the year for recruiting new members and supporting the transition of Leos into Lions. Work closely with the other club officers and the Leo Club Advisor throughout the year to ensure a strong Leo club both now and in the future.

Leo club vice president
The vice president is a Leo who assists the president throughout the year and is responsible for identifying leadership development opportunities. Should the club president be unable to complete their term, the vice president assumes the president’s duties as well. It is key for the vice president to ensure that training for members is identified and encouraged — they should find opportunities for their club members to participate in leadership trainings offered by Lions International as well as other programs. The Lions Learning Center, which can be accessed through a Leo’s Lion Account, is a great place for Leos to gain skills in leadership and club management and has its own learning path for Leos.
Photo by: Lion Othmar Fetz, The LEO Book
Leo club secretary
The club secretary is a Leo who keeps track of club records and meeting minutes. The secretary maintains records of officers, committee appointments, members, attendance and service activities. They are also responsible for reporting Leo club officers, members and service activities online to Lions International through MyLion® — accessed through their Lion Account — and the sponsoring Lions club.
Reporting not only helps to easily manage membership and leadership changes, but also provides club members access to programs and resources exclusively for reported members. More information about reporting can be found on this page.

Leo club treasurer
The treasurer is a Leo who manages and keeps accurate records of the club's income and expenses. Club money should be in one of two accounts — the administrative account and the activity account — which must be kept separate.