Kindness Matters Service Award
This prestigious award is given annually to a handful of Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of our global cause areas. Nominated at the club level, the Kindness Matters Service Award is a challenge for Lions and Leos to develop exceptionally innovative and creative service projects with the aim of leaving a positive impact in their communities. Below, you'll find more information about some of the 2021-2022 winners' service projects.

Award criteria
For clubs to be eligible, they must be in active status, have completed a service project that meets the needs of a cause area and have reported it.
Use the following criteria to determine if a service project could be considered for this award.
- Addresses needs within Lions International global causes: diabetes, environment, vision, childhood cancer, hunger, disaster relief, youth, humanitarian
- Demonstrates creativity and innovation
- Achieves impact of scale and long-term sustainability
- Elevates the Lions brand
Program guidelines
Check out the program guidelines resource to learn more about what is expected of clubs and GST Coordinators throughout the nomination process. It is highly encouraged that this document is read before submitting a nomination!

Nomination timeline 2023-2024: Deadline extended to November 30
Nominations happen in a particular order, starting with local Lions, then club service chairpersons and Leo club presidents, to the global service team at the district and multiple district level and then finally Lions International. See when nominations are due for the various positions.
Please note that all nominations should be submitted electronically to serviceactivities@lionsclubs.org after they’ve been endorsed and signed by the appropriate positions. Lions International will not accept physical applications.
- July 1 – August 15: Lions nominate service projects
- August 15 – September 15: Club service chairpersons and Leo club presidents send one signed nomination to the district global service team (D GST) coordinator
- September 15 – November 30: D GST coordinator sends one signed nomination to the multiple district (MD) GST coordinator
- November 30: Nominations close. Deadline for MD GST coordinator to send one signed nomination to Lions International and copy the multiple council chairperson
- January: Winning clubs are selected by the Lions International Board of Directors Service Activities Committee and notified
- March: Winning clubs receive their award from Lions International
Plan and report projects
To be considered for this award, planning and reporting projects is key! Use the resources below to help you succeed.
Report your service
Learn about the importance of reporting service projects and discover how to report your service with ease.
The service toolkit
Access a variety of resources specifically designed to help clubs carry out effective, high-impact service projects.
Service project planners
Discover over 20 detailed service project planners, outlining ways clubs can effectively serve in one of our global cause areas.