Campus Lions Clubs
It doesn’t matter whether you live on or off campus, or you’re a full-time or part-time student — you can join or charter a Campus Lions club. You can serve your school, your neighborhood and communities in nearly any country with the support of the largest service club organization in the world.
Campus Lions Club Benefits
Gain service hours. Serve locally and globally.
Build your resume. Receive in-person and online training.
Network. Connect with local leaders and international organizations.
Lead the change. Plan service events and advocate for humanitarian and environmental causes.
Save money. Get a special discount with the Student Member Program.
Attention Leos — Continue your service as Lions members in Campus Lions clubs while pursuing your education. You can even invite other students to charter or join a specialty club. Check out the webpage to learn about the benefits of the Leo-Lion Program.
Charter Information
For chartering purposes, a Campus Lions club is defined as having five (5) or more student charter members that are included in the minimum 20 charter member requirement.
The most common way to form a Campus Lions club is to begin by applying for approval as registered club with the school’s student activities office. Gaining such approval will allow the Campus Lions club to include the school’s proper name in their club name and usually grants permission to meet and hold service events on school grounds, apply for school funding and participate in organized events for approved student clubs and organizations.
Additional Club Options
Independent Campus Lions Clubs
If a school does not approve your chartered club, consider chartering a Campus Lions club that operates independently from the school. In this case, the Campus Lions club is not obliged to adhere to the school’s approved registered student club policies. However, this may also limit or preclude receiving endorsement benefits of using the school’s proper name for the club, approval to plan and hold service activities on campus, apply for funding and participate in school sponsored events.

Specialty Clubs
Specialty clubs offer a great way to bring students together from one or multiple schools from one community to come together to serve. Some students form specialty clubs to provide service that aligns with their shared academic field of study, like medical program students offering healthcare support in their communities. Alumni of Campus Lions clubs can stay connected by forming life-stage Specialty clubs. Graduating members are able to easily transition from the Student Membership Program to traditional Lions membership, continue their connection with their school community, and network with other professionals while further developing their leadership skills. Learn more about specialty clubs by visiting the Specialty Lions clubs webpage.
Club Branches
Only five (5) members are required to form a Lions club branch. This is a great option for Young Lions who may want to charter a club, but do not have the minimum required 20 charter members to form a Lions club. Members of a club branch are able to meet and serve autonomously while benefitting from the support of a parent club. This is another way that alumni can stay connected to their Campus Lions club. Visit the Lions Club Branch webpage to learn more.

Membership Development and Chartering Resources
Student Member Certification Form (Stu5)
Guide to Developing Campus Lions Clubs
Information for Faculty Advisors
Campus Lions Club Poster
Campus Lions Club Brochure
Check out the Student Member Program page to learn about special student discounts, extended billing for Campus Lions clubs and Student charter member dues requirements.
A Campus Award Pin is presented to Lions who help form a Campus Lions club, as determined by the district governor.
A Campus Banner Patch is awarded to Lions clubs that sponsor a new Campus Lions club.