Lions who aspire to leadership roles beyond their club will benefit from the ALLI, where they will expand their knowledge of our association and foundation and build valuable skills.
Effective July 1, 2024, the ALLI will no longer be offered and will be replaced with the new Second Vice District Governor Training Program. Learn more about the new program in the Vice District Training Program Updates FAQ.
Apply now for the ALLI learning opportunity in your area!
Candidates for an ALLI must meet all qualifications before applying.
- Current member of a club within the constitutional area.
- Completed a full term as club president.
- Not yet attained the position of First Vice District Governor.*
- Not attended an ALLI within the last five (5) years. (Internationally or Locally hosted)
*Second Vice District Governors are highly encouraged to apply.
Upon acceptance to the institute, participants are obligated to the following:
- Attend all sessions of the 3-day institute.
- Arrange personal travel to and from the institute.
- Complete pre-assignments prior to arrival.
- Pay US$125 participation fee.
- Review the ALLI Quick Guide for additional information.
Are you a Leo-Lion?
Learn more about the ALLI Leo-Lion Scholarship available to offset expenses related to attending an ALLI.
COVID-19 Attendance Guidelines
In the best interest and safety of our Lions and others, please follow the guidelines below.
- Follow relevant guidance provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), or your local health authority.
- Adhere to all government issued travel restrictions, quarantine guidelines, and vaccination mandates issued by the region to which you will be traveling and the region you will be traveling from.
The ALLI Experience
Join fellow participants for 3 interactive days, where you will collaborate, share ideas, explore best practices in leadership and strengthen your knowledge of Lions International and our Foundation!
- Day 1
- Opening Session: Meet your faculty and fellow participants.
- Leadership Fundamentals: Identify effective leadership behaviors and assess your own leadership skills.
- Presentation Preparation: Review best practices in preparing for and delivering quality presentations.
- Conflict Resolution: Learn to recognize sources of conflict and guidelines to actively resolve conflict.
- Focused Discussion: Reflect on leadership experiences and identify future opportunities to develop personal leadership skills.
- Day 2
- Project Management: Practice project management skills while working in small groups and using a case study.
- LCIF: Examine the many ways through which Lions and others can support the foundation — and how the foundation can support Lions and others through grants.
- Service Journey Resources: Examine resources designed to support the Service Journey and how to promote them in clubs and districts.
- Delegation: Understand the benefits and challenges of delegation. Practice delegating using a five-step model.
- Focused Discussion: Discuss, with fellow participants, local or regional needs, challenges and opportunities.
- Day 3
- Developing Extraordinary Teams: Examine the concept and components of an “extraordinary” team.
- Developing the Lion Leaders of Tomorrow: Learn how to leverage your own leadership experience and utilize strategies and resources to identify and develop Lions leaders.
- Promoting Lions Image: Understand the benefits of promoting the Lions image and the strategies and resources that are available.
- Closing: Applaud each other as you complete a successful institute and prepare to apply your learning when you return home.
- I & II: USA, Affiliates, Bermuda, The Bahamas and Canada
Date: January 12-14, 2024
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Applications Closed - III: South America, Central America, Mexico, and Islands of the Caribbean Sea
ALLI will not be offered in CA III this year.
- IV: Europe
Date: November 10-12, 2023
Location: Berlin, Germany
Applications Closed - V: The Orient and Southeast Asia
Date: February 2-4, 2024
Location: Busan, Korea
Applications: Traditional Chinese | Simplified Chinese | English | Japanese | Korean
Application Due Date: October 20, 2023 - VI: India, South Asia and the Middle East
Date: November 24-26, 2023
Location: Jaipur, India
Applications Closed - VII: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Islands of the South Pacific Ocean
Date: April 12-14, 2024
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Applications: English
Application Due Date: December 29, 2023 - VIII: Africa
Date: October 27-29, 2023
Location: Accra, Ghana
Applications Closed
Additional information
ALLI is available through the Local Institute Program. If interested in learning more contact us at institutes@lionsclubs.org.