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Lions Commemorative Coin Bill Signed into Law

lionsclubsorg 22 de Outubro de 2012

Congratulations to Lions across the globe! On October 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed the “Lions Clubs International Century of Service Commemorative Coin Act” into law. The silver dollar coin will be available for the Lions Clubs’ 2017 centennial – a worthy tribute and celebration of the 100 years of service that Lions have contributed to communities worldwide.


For every coin sold, funds will be donated to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), helping raise millions for Lions’ global efforts to prevent blindness, engage youth, relieve the hunger, improve health, provide disaster relief and more.


“This coin will provide greater awareness of our  organization, encourage Lions to move forward with their selfless volunteer service, and raise critical resources to continue to help those in need,” said Lions Clubs International President Wayne A. Madden.


To learn more about the Lions Clubs International Century of Service Commemorative Coin Act, visit the Coin Bill page on the LCI website, or read the news release.


Share your thoughts on Twitter about the coin using the hash tag #2017Coin!